WonderBra(in)s, the WonderBlog !

They are all Wonderful, they are magic on a football field, and now, they have a WonderBlog !

Saturday, March 29, 2008

On r'fait l'match : Wonderbrains - Biertjes

Wonderbrains : 0 - Biertjes : 11
28 Mar 2008, 19h30, ESCAPE Arena

For this 8th match, Wonderbrains is opposed to Biertjes, though a competitive team, which has demonstrated irregular performances during the season. But this team can rely on some very good players, making this match an interesting one for Wonderbrains.

The girls started full of hope and wanting to score as they managed to do one week ago. The absence of one of the CoCoaches has to be underlined, the pressure supported by the shoulders of the second one is obvious in his behaviour on the side of the pitch. The stress is palpable and it makes him flinty, pushing the girls to defend in the best way they ever did. The substitutions are better organised preventing the WonderBrains to take the avoidable goals they took in the past.

At the end the offensive dream did not come to its end but this game was a lesson of defensive organisation, force and dedication resulting in the smallest goal difference since the beginning of the league for our beloved white and blue team!

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