WonderBra(in)s, the WonderBlog !

They are all Wonderful, they are magic on a football field, and now, they have a WonderBlog !

Saturday, March 29, 2008

On r'fait l'match : Wonderbrains - Biertjes

Wonderbrains : 0 - Biertjes : 11
28 Mar 2008, 19h30, ESCAPE Arena

For this 8th match, Wonderbrains is opposed to Biertjes, though a competitive team, which has demonstrated irregular performances during the season. But this team can rely on some very good players, making this match an interesting one for Wonderbrains.

The girls started full of hope and wanting to score as they managed to do one week ago. The absence of one of the CoCoaches has to be underlined, the pressure supported by the shoulders of the second one is obvious in his behaviour on the side of the pitch. The stress is palpable and it makes him flinty, pushing the girls to defend in the best way they ever did. The substitutions are better organised preventing the WonderBrains to take the avoidable goals they took in the past.

At the end the offensive dream did not come to its end but this game was a lesson of defensive organisation, force and dedication resulting in the smallest goal difference since the beginning of the league for our beloved white and blue team!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

On r'fait l'match : Guards - Wonderbrains

Guards : 15 - Wonderbrains : 1
14 Mar 2008, 18h00, ESCAPE Arena

Standing in the middle part of the temporary league ranking, Guards carries a reputation of tough team, with stayer players. This team comprises one girl.

This match was the inauguration game for Wonderbrains' new team positionning, leaving the standard 2-2 configuration for the less used 1-2-1 configuration. Both CoCoatches were founding important hopes on it. Of course, such a change cannot be implemented in only one game. "The girls need to work on it, and play more games to be able to master this novelty" judged football expert John K.

Indeed, a lot of goals have been taken by Wonderbrains. But one could notice the improvements in the player attitudes, being much more efficient in bloking Guards' attacks. Several times Guards' players were unable to overpass Wonderbrains' ones. Moreover, after several dangerous opportunities, Ariana finally found the way to the net. "I think we did well tonight and, above all, I am glad we confirmed last match goal average. It is a new period for Wonderbrains!" she declared.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On r'fait l'match : Maquelarres - Wonderbrains

Maquelarres : 14 - Wonderbrains : 2
7 Mar 2008, 19h30, ESCAPE Arena

Getting onto this match with the absence of several historical players and its co-coatches, Wonderbrains was foreseen to have one of the most difficult matches of this season against a rising team, with a strong backbone.

Despite every prognoses, Wonderbrains did incredibly well tonight. Pushed by a very supportive audience, the team limited the number of goals taken to reach the best level for the time being. More, they scored 2 goals ! Monica, and then Ariana shooted twice inside target, awarding the team efforts to build up an efficient game on the pitch!

Analysts and the public is now looking forward to the next match to know wether this was just only luck or the beginning of a new trend for Wonderbrains.