WonderBra(in)s, the WonderBlog !

They are all Wonderful, they are magic on a football field, and now, they have a WonderBlog !

Sunday, February 3, 2008

On r'fait l'match : Late4Lunch - Wonderbrains

Late4lunch : 15 / Wonderbrains : 0
1 Fév 2008, 18h45, Escape Arena

First match of the newly created Wonderbrains team. Everyone was curious to see how the girls would perform against Late4lunch. Looking at the result, it is a nice surprize since without any football experience the girls standed during all the match.
"For this very first game, our goal was to give the team an introduction to indoor football, and to assess the players, in order to adapt the forthcoming training" say the newly appointed coatches.

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